
Woman holding an open book

Fellowship Group

You are warmly invited to our new Fellowship Group - see calendar for dates. We'll discuss and explore the bible, pray together and enjoy fellowship, tea and cake in The Mews.

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Strings At The Abbey Steve Threlfall

Strings at the Abbey 2024

The Vale Royal String Orchestra will hold their popular summer concert in the Great Hall at Vale Royal Abbey on Sunday 16th June at 7pm. Tickets on the door or from Andrew Ball.

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An image of a film projector with "Movies in The Mews" written above

The Great Escaper (2023)

Come and watch The Great Escaper (2023) showing in the Mews on Wednesday 12th June. Refreshments from 6.30pm, film starts at 7.00pm prompt.

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Image of an Open Hymn Book

Choral Evensong

On Sunday 2nd June at 6.30pm our church choir is excited to be singing the first Choral Evensong at St Mary’s since the pandemic.

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Young green seedlings with water droplets on them, dark soil behind.

Family Service for Rogation Sunday

Come and join us at 9.30am on Sunday 5th May for our family service as we ask for God's blessing on our community and the agriculture, livestock and crops that sustain us all.

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Photo of St Mary's church in the snow on a sunny day

St Mary's Newsletters from 2023

Every month St Mary's publishes a newsletter giving information about what is going on in the parish. Click on the links below to see some copies from 2023.

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An colourful image of rolling green hill with 3 crosses on, a rising sun behind and an empty tomb in front.

Easter Sunday

On Easter Sunday at 9.30am we join with Christians around the world to celebrate that Jesus Christ is risen. We will have a special service of Holy Communion with the choir.

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Children doing craft activity with adults helping them.

Advent Craft Workshop

Come and join in our Advent Craft Workshop for families with young children. Sunday 26th November 3-5pm in The Mews (St. Mary’s church hall).

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Cross draped with poppies leaning against the altar

Remembrance Sunday Service

Come and join us at 9.30 am on 12 November as we remember those who gave their lives for our freedom.

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